Hero Teen Hides Rape Victim In Michigan And Teaches Us Some Teens Do The Right Thing
Lately it seems that all we talk about are teenagers and how instead of helping people when they need it most, they instead react in the worst ways imaginable. This was not the case with a 14-year-old boy in Michigan who helped a rape victim hide from her attacker in the family bathroom. On Wednesday, Eric Ramsey drove a woman from the Michigan University campus in Mount Pleasant in her own vehicle to a home where he raped her. From CBS.com:
He said Ramsey then put her back in the Ford Escape and pledged to kill her, but she escaped the moving vehicle and ran to a home yelling for help.
A 14-year-old boy, his 11-year-old sister and 2-year-old brother were alone inside the home when the woman banged on the door for help. The teenager, James Persyn III, told Mlive.com that he let the woman in, locked the door and grabbed his hunting knife.
He said he while the woman was using his phone to call 911, he moved her, his siblings and the family dog into the bathroom.
If that wasn’t terrifying enough, the rapist then banged on the door and threatened to kill the victim. When no one answered the door, he set the house on fire.
The boy’s father arrived home in time to put the fire out, and police arrived shortly thereafter. Eric Ramsey had fled the scene and led police on a chase where he actually took time to update his Facebook page, stating “Well folkes [sic] im [sic] about to get shot. Peace.”
James will be honored with a lifesaving award at a county commission meeting later this month, and this young kid totally deserves it. Most boys would have been terrified hearing a frantic woman banging on their door when they were home alone babysitting their younger siblings, almost any person would, but thanks to James he probably saved the rape victim’s life. What a truly amazing young man. I think there are other teenage boys who could probably learn something from his heroic deeds.
(photo: Peter Gudella/shutterstock)