Helpful Grandpa’s Doll Makeover Is the Stuff of Nightmares
As a mom to two young girls, I’ve seen my share of dolls. I’ve also seen what happens to those dolls when they get played with. Like, REALLY played with. Matted hair, grimy faces, limbs missing. I’m Team Throw It Away, and rarely try to salvage the beat-up dolls. But, if I ever attempt a doll makeover, I’ll make sure to do the exact opposite of whatever this helpful grandpa attempted. Taking a doll from slightly dingy to nightmarish is quite the feat!
Image: Giphy
Twitter user Tasha McTashface shared the photo of the doll her dad tried to fix with his doll makeover. Heads up, this one is going to stick with you.
When your dad tries to clean up your daughters Girls World with white spirit, but it completely takes the eyes out so he sticks some on from a magazine.
Before & after.
— Tashy McTashface (@TashP351) November 14, 2017
There just … there are no words for this abomination.
Image: Giphy
Apparently, Tasha’s dad tried to clean up the doll’s face using white spirits, which is basically turpentine. Because doll features are painted on, the spirit just … wiped the entire face right the fuck off. So, in an attempt to fix his mistake, he cut eyes out of a magazine and glued them on.
The result is a little less Bratz doll, and little more Buffalo Bill from Silence of the Lambs. It rubs the lotion on it’s skin.
The responses to Tasha’s original tweet are as amazing as the eyeless doll. People were moved by gramp’s efforts, while simultaneously disturbed by the result of his helpfulness.
— Sue Jordanš (@ItsCherrySue) November 15, 2017
The before and after reminded one person of another infamous “restoration”. I am CACKLING.
— North Ages (@NorthAges) November 14, 2017
The doll wouldn’t have beenĀ thatĀ scary, if it wasn’t for the human eyes he used as replacements.
God it looks like a real person is trapped inside
— Kat Stratford 2020 (@RageOnThePage) November 15, 2017
— jesterhead š» (@komiska) November 15, 2017
It legit looks like a real person is trapped inside of that doll, and it’s nightmarish. And also hilarious. There’s only one option, and that is to kill it with fire.
As disturbing as the doll ended up, it’s important to focus on how sweet the idea was. He just wanted to make his granddaughter’s doll good as new! That is an excellent grandpa.
Bloody hero, indeed. Well-done, grandpa! Might we suggest a baby wipe the next time you try to clean a doll?
(Image: Pixabay/Alexas_Fotos)