Jake Gyllenhaal Endorses Bernie Sanders for President Via His Cat’s Instagram
This Democratic primary is getting heated and celebrities are showing their cards! Around the same time that Ted Danson…
This Democratic primary is getting heated and celebrities are showing their cards! Around the same time that Ted Danson…
Ah, nothing captures the spirit of the holidays quite like a super racist toy! Leave it to Fox News…
The country made it through midterm elections this week, and much of the news has been dominated by the…
The country held its 2018 midterms yesterday, and while some results are still trickling in (and others are being…
This fucking dummy. I feel like it’s just common knowledge that when you know you’ve committed crimes or whatever,…
You’d think that the Trump kids would’ve figured out by now that no one is here for their mounds…
This has been one of those weeks where, if it was an actual thing I could do, I would…
David Letterman returned to television on Friday, with a 6-part series on Netflix. My Next Guest Needs No Introduction…
Well, this has been a WEEK. The news cycle moves so very quickly these days, it’s hard to maintain…
Color me surprised! Donald Trump, stable genius, demands athletes stand the National Anthem. He’s called them sons of bitches…
Following Oprah’s earth-shattering speech at the Golden Globes last night, speculation around a future presidential run has hit a…
Welp, pack it in, folks. Nothing more to see here! President* Donald Trump has taken to the Twitters to…
Before he was president*, Donald Trump was just your run-of-the-mill rich douchebag. Ok, he’s still that, but bear with…
Welp, it didn’t take a psychic to see THIS coming. Hot on the heels of Trump surrogate Roy Moore…