10 Reasons You Are Suffering From Mom Guilt This Week
Mom guilt. It is so insidious and can creep up on you when you least expect it. Whether it’s an innocent question from your little one that stirs up feelings of yuck (“Momma, why you so grumpy at me?”) or thoughts of inadequacy spurred on by the extreme mothering of the Pinterest- perfect crowd (ugh, quit it with the crafting already) I can guarantee there were moments in the last week where you had twinges of mom guilt.
I feel that it’s always better to commiserate with a crowd so I’ve drummed up a list of reasons you are suffering from mom guilt this week. I think that by getting it out there and acknowledging it’s ridiculousness then maybe we can all release ourselves of this burden. If these are all wrong and you have your own, please add them in the comments. If you never feel mom guilt please share your secrets so we can all shamelessly copy you.
1. You Didn’t Paint Your Daughter’s Nails Despite Repeated Requests
Am I the only one who feels terrible looking at their little girl’s chipped, nasty nails and then does nothing about it? She begged me like, three times this week and I never did them. Why do I care so much??
2. You Did Not Make A Vegetable For Three Days Straight
Pizza for dinner (unless tomato sauce counts), breakfast for dinner and cheeseburgers and fries for dinner means that unless potatoes count, your kid has not touched a veggie in several days. Whoops.
3. You Ignore Them To Play On Your Phone
My children will say “MOMMY WHY DO YOU LOVE YOUR PHONE SO MUCH?” and it makes me feel like the most horrible mother of all time. Thanks for ruining Pinterest, kids.
4. You “Forgot” To Read To Them At Bedtime
Sometimes at bedtime, enough is enough and you just want Wine Time to begin. Then, you realize Wine Time is basically there to blur your shitty, guilty conscience for not enriching your child with story time before they go off to dreamland. More Cabernet, please.
5. You Bought Them Cheap Shoes
You were doing the Stride Rite’s for a little while but their feet grow so damn fast that you decided to buy Payless for once to save money. You see them trip on the sidewalk and automatically decide it’s all your fault because they weren’t worth $50 to you. Oh, the shame.
6. You Made Them Late For Practice
So many things could cause it- getting out of work late, forgetting they had practice, or just being tied up reading comments on Mommyish. Regardless, nothing brings on the mom guilt like having your kid hustle onto the field several minutes late knowing it was all your fault.
7. You Did Not Check Their Homework
The other night, my daughter brought home a math worksheet with two mistakes on it and I remembered that neither me or my husband checked it the night prior. He gave no shits. I felt like a dirt-bag. Why is there no such thing as Dad guilt?!
8. You Let Them Have Tons Of TV Time
Sometimes, I simply can’t even and my kids spend four hours in front of the TV on a Saturday morning. It gives me the quiet I need to work but knowing they are just zoning out ruining brain cells makes me feel like the worst.
9. You Have Not Taken A Photo Of Them In Weeks
Is this just me or do other moms go many moons without feeling the need to snap photos of their kids? If not for my iPhone, I think we would only have a few shitty pictures from holiday get-togethers. And half the photos of them on my phone are off-center selfies that they take when they are able to get their hands on it.
10. You Let Them Eat Cake For Dinner. Twice.
Our daughter’s birthday was last weekend. We did not stop her from playing at her party to eat a super healthy pizza dinner but she did have cake. And then again on Sunday. I give up.
(Image: Johan Larson/Shutterstock)