Pregnant Woman 7 Days From Her Due Date Struck by Lightning
In “only in Florida” news, a pregnant woman just a week from her due date was struck on the head by lightning last Thursday. Yes, you read that right. She was struck by lightning. On her head.
According to news reports, 26-year-old Meghan Davidson was walking around her Fort Meyers, Florida, community with her mother when the lightning strike occurred. First responders rushed to the scene, where they found Davidson on the ground.
I am freaking out — I can’t even imagine!
She was rushed to the hospital, where doctors worked quickly to make sure she and her unborn baby were going to get through this. Reports state that doctors delivered her baby, a son named Owen. The baby was taken to Golisano Children’s Hospital, while Davidson was still being treated at Lee Memorial Hospital.
Both seem to be touch and go at the moment
News about Owen’s condition has not been released, although a member of Davidson’s church told NBC, “I understand tomorrow they are going to start running some tests on him.” According to ABC News, Davidson was in her third trimester and about 7 days from her due date when she was struck by lightning, so hopefully the baby will pull through.
Davidson’s mother was inside the home watching her two older children, 2 and 14 months, when she was struck by lightening.
”It’s pretty rare to get struck in general and for a pregnant woman it’s even less common,” Dr. Robert Glatter, an emergency physician at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City, told ABC News.
Meghan’s condition has been gradually improving, and the hospital recently announced that she’d been upgraded from critical to serious condition. According to NBC, Davidson has been able to react with her eyes when her husband, Matt, says her name. Meghan has two other children besides little Owen.
Carol Bridges, who attends church with Davidson, told The Mirror, “Meghan is showing signs of improvement. They have lowered the amount of oxygen that she is getting and they have lowered the sedation. We are just all praying for a miracle.”
Sending warm thoughts to the family — we’re hoping they will all be reunited and healthy soon.
(Image: Facebook / Meghan Davidson)