Mom Posts Photo of Baby’s ‘Pierced’ Cheek and the Internet Went Off
People pierce their baby’s ears all the time, so why not their cheeks, right?! One mom decided to use a photoshopped picture of her child sporting a diamond in her pierced cheek to raise that very question, along with some other important points about body integrity, and the point went right over people’s heads. Enedina Vance took to Facebook last week to share the photo, along with a caption that explains the purpose behind the photo.
Enedina posted the picture along with this caption:
“So I got the baby girl’s dimple pierced!!
It looks so cute, right?!! I just know she’s gonna love it!! She’ll thank me when she’s older lol If she decides she doesn’t like it, she can just take it out, no big deal
I’m the parent, she is MY CHILD, I will do whatever I want!! I make all of her decisions until she’s 18, I made her, I own her!! I don’t need anyone’s permission, I think it’s better, cuter, & I prefer her to have her dimple pierced. Its NOT abuse!! If it was, it would be illegal, but it’s not. People pierce their babies everyday, this is no different
MY BABY, MY CHOICE!! PARENT’S CHOICE, PARENT’S RIGHTS!! Don’t judge my parenting, we all raise our kids differently, it’s none of your business anyway!!”
The hashtags at the end of the caption are obviously important, especially the one the one that says SARCASM, but you know how the internet goes. People see something that offends and they’re off to light their torches before they’ve even scrolled down to see what the hell they’re looking at.
The outrage was swift, with people even going so far as to send death threats to this mother for posting the picture!
Enedina tells The Mirror, “”I seriously can not believe how many people missed that this was purely satirical, I actually used the hashtag #sarcasm , yet people were still threatening to beat me to death, call child protective services, & take away my children.” Beat a woman to death for photoshopping a picture, because that’s an appropriate response!
Her intent for ‘shopping the photo with the pierced cheek and sharing it on her social media was to highlight the hypocrisy she sees in the body integrity movement, specifically as it relates to circumcision. She told Yahoo Beauty, ”So many people are outraged at the thought of piercing my baby at such a young age, without her consent, and against her will. Yet, they don’t understand how other body mutilations, alterations, and modifications are the exact same thing for the exact same reason: aesthetic purposes.”
Circumcision has become a very hot button issue in recent years, as it’s moved away from being the norm and more and more parents are deciding to forgo the procedure for their infant sons. But cultural differences play a major role in whether or not a boy is circumcised, and sometimes, the baby is caught in the middle of a terrible situation. Just recently, a pair of grandparents in the U.K. were arrested after they circumcised their grandson without his mother’s consent.
We have to admit, when we first saw the photo, we were a bit taken aback by the pierced cheek. But the message, as it turns out, is more powerful than the photo itself, which we realized once we scrolled down. And judging by the hundreds of supportive comments she’s gotten, it’s hit home for a lot of parents, too.
(Image: Facebook/Enedina Vance)