What Your Toddler’s Snacks Say About You
1. Goldfish Crackers
You are a basic mom who appreciates a food that is both delicious and whimsical. You would be great to grab a Starbucks with, and won’t judge me for eating the kid’s leftovers, because you do the same thing.
2. Go-gurt
Giving your kid yogurt makes you feel like you’re doing something healthy, but this is one step better because there’s no spoon to dig out of the toy box afterwards. You’re lazy, yet surprisingly efficient.
3. Homemade kale chips
Even though I actually like kale, I’m afraid that you’ll scrutinize my parenting skills if we were to arrange a play date. And besides, yours is probably the house where fun goes to die anyway.
4. Chocolate chip cookies
Having your kids love you is what matters most to you in the world. You pride yourself on your messy house because “you’d rather make memories with your children than do laundry.”
5. Ice pops made with cherry Kool-Aid
You are super laid back. You look at what the APA says more like guidelines rather than rules and think that everyone needs to calm down about this red dye 40 nonsense. If it was good enough for your parents to feed you, then it’s fine for your own children too.
6. Fruit plate that looks like a scene from The Lion King
You spend more time on Pinterest than all other websites combined. You love art directing photo shoots of your kids and always know which Instagram filter to use to make your pictures look perfect. You daydream of having your own Etsy shop one day and have a secret Youtube channel no one knows about where you post craft tutorials.
7. Pirate’s Booty
You know full well that no matter what snack you offer your toddler, she’s going to end up wanting whatever you’re eating anyway, so you cut out the middle man and pick something you’ll both love.You’re like the Hermione Granger of moms, very practical and effortlessly stylish.
8. Squeeze pouch of blended fruits and veggies
You’re the sneaky mom who would rather trick her kid into eating healthy than endure a power struggle over a few bites of broccoli. You probably have a secret stash of premium chocolate in a box somewhere labelled “ground flax seed” that you nibble on while watching old episodes of Veronica Mars.
(Image: rost9/Shutterstock.com)