Prancersizing To Induce Labor May Be The Best Reader Tip We Have Ever Received – Everybody Prancersize!
Pregnant women prancersize! This came across my Twitter feed yesterday from one of Mommyish’s favorite commenters, Alex Lee, who you may all remember as the dad who decided he was going to learn how to twerk just to humiliate his children.
Who pretty much had the best idea ever:
And it was a shame that Koa was not hip to this amazing new fad (that isn’t a fad yet, but we can all so change that) of hugely pregnant ladies prancersizing, hopefully down wooded paths whilst wearing full jewelry and pants that totally flatter their lady gardens – and by flatter I mean give them a whomping camel toe. Pregnant women prancersize! Everybody prancersize! Let’s stop talkin’ and do some walkin’!
[youtube_iframe id=”o-50GjySwew”]
It’s really hot! From the You Tube description it says that prancersizing is: “A springy, rhythmic way of moving forward, similar to a horse’s gait and is ideally induced by elation.” What could make you more elated than being heavily pregnant and way past your due date? I wanna see the pregnant women prancersize, I wanna see kids prancersizing, hell, I wanna see everyone prancersize! What other exercise can you do with your hair perfectly teased into a semi-bouffant whilst wearing all of your jewelry?
I really hope this becomes a way to induce labor because it’s so much cuter than drinking castor oil or just regular old walking. And at the very least, you can freak out all of your neighbors by prancersizing down the sidewalk with your too-tight pants on and your piles of jewelry. Better yet, make the guy who put a baby inside of you prancersize along with you! And videotape it! And send it to us so we can post it on Mommyish and I can be all too happy about this! I have already asked Frances to make us a prancerzie remix, hopefully to death metal music or something.
Are you prancersizing yet? Forgive any typos this post may contain because I was prancersizing when I wrote this! Let’s stop talkin’ and do some walkin’!
(Image: You Tube)