#ItAintRape Is Trending And Everyone Using It Should Be Publicly Shamed
[Trigger Warning: This article contains tweets that make light of rape and are just generally horrific.]
It’s freshly 2015, and the bottom feeders of Twitter are ringing in the New Year with a hashtag that proves rape culture is alive and well in America – #ItAintRape.
It’s as unfunny and uninspired as you imagine it would be. It’s also disgusting, horrific and I truly think women aren’t safe around any man who uses it. So my desire to publicly shame these vile, potentially dangerous individuals over-rode my apprehension about showing these disheartening slices of proof that rape culture is alive and well in 2015.
The hashtag seems to have been started by comedian Roland Powell, who goes by @lilduval on Twitter. He is the host of MTV’s “Guy Code,” a show that “features various pop culture entertainers, top comics, athletes and specialized experts who tell the story of the special code of conduct that exists between men.” I wonder if MTV endorses rape jokes. I think everyone should tweet @MTV to find out.
#itaintrape if I’m paying child support
”” lil duval (@lilduval) April 10, 2010
No idea why this hashtag is making the rounds and trending four years after it started. The only positive thing about it is that it’s revealing a lot of support for victims and despair that such a thing would even exist:
#ItAintRape has done exactly one positive thing, and that’s demonstrate to rational ppl that rape culture is still real and pervasive as fuk ”” Irish Butts (@CelticSteelNY) January 5, 2015
#ItAintRape when consent is affirmative, given freely without coercion or influenced by alcohol/drugs, and is continuous.
”” MsElizabethButts (@Auragasmic) January 5, 2015
#ItAintRape is trending. I might have to take the rest of the night off of Twitter.
”” Ryan Eller (@Ryan_Eller) January 5, 2015
#ItAintRape if it’s consensual. Anything than that then it’s rape. Stop justifying and defending rapists. ”” Will (@w_butz) January 5, 2015
#ItAintRape shows that a rape culture does still exist in our society, and it really needs to be looked at #ItAintFunny ”” Ruth (@ruth_walshe) January 5, 2015
It’s actually important to look at trends like this one, for all of those people who insist that consent does not need to be taught. It obviously does.
#itaintrape if yo dumbass got drunk around a whole bunch of dudes ”” Bre (@butterfliesblue) April 10, 2010
#ItAintRape if you ugly..im doing you a favor ”” Joseph Zammito (@JoeyZXD) April 10, 2010
#itaintrape if you knock ha out then cut ha body into pieces after you done then throw ha in the river trust me I’ve done it ”” Kunta Kuntlicka (@supaalvin) October 24, 2012
This is reluctantly true >_> RT @MURDAMALEASY: #ItAintRape if she drank more wine than u did ”” ChocolateBunny (@JizzOnMyTweets) November 13, 2012
#ItAintRape if she don’t speak English. “Your honor, in all fairness, she never said “no”. ”” Keyboard warrior (@johnie_palmer) February 25, 2013
#ItAintRape if she a feminist ”” Cain (@yungtfti) January 5, 2015
All I can find in the #itaintrape hashtag are people complaining about it and guys/girls with a dark sense of humour ”” Caelum (@caelum19) January 5, 2015
@ElizabelMarrero Because of the #itaintrape hashtag, I’m gonna go out and RAPE SOME BITCHES! I now know it’s justified in many circumstances
”” Johnny Crook (@johnny_crook) January 5, 2015
#ItAintRape if she can’t talk
”” Memegod Locust (@pussybuttfucker) January 5, 2015
NO. Just, no.