Brooklyn Mom Kindly Looks To Listserv For Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free, Possibly Sugar-Free Personal Chef For Her 4-Year-Old
I realize that super privileged Brooklyn mothers (whether crunchy or urban) are low-hanging fruit in Internet mommy land. But I’m going to go ahead and pluck this one anyway — only because it’s so representative of the toddler-pandering, rabidly precious parenting times we live in.
Just this morning, a friend of mine, who is soon to be a first-time mother herself, was perusing her local Cobble Hill listserv picking through over-priced used baby stuff. (You know how that goes). She then happened on this posting:
I am hoping someone has a stellar recommendation for a personal chef/cook/nutritionist who could help me implement a new diet for my 4 year old. She has some health issues and I’d like to try a gluten-free, dairy-free, dare I say sugar free diet. I’m hoping someone can come to my home. Thanks so much in advance.
Mom to 3 girls
For those of you out there who are only acquainted with wealthy, super-entitled, painfully out of touch Brooklyn mothers via Amy Sohn novels or satirical mom satire, here is your window. A request for a professional chef/cook/nutritionist to come to her home and help “implement” said gluten-free, dairy-free, possibly sugar-free diet for a 4-year-old child. It doesn’t get more modern mommy commentary that.
Like I said. Low-hanging fruit. Super low.
(photo: Africa Studio / Shutterstock)