10 Dangerous Places Your Toddler Loves To Hang Out
We all know toddlers are the original action heroes. They have positively no qualms about putting themselves in danger and giggling maniacally instead of being afraid. Their only fears are vegetables and wearing pants- everything else is fair game. That is why you will probably discover as a parent that there are many dangerous places your toddler loves to hang out. Trying to keep them alive is a full-time job, no doubt. They are always evolving and finding new ways to put themselves in harm’s way. Here are some of the biggest hazards for the typical fearless toddler:
1. Behind The Fridge
We had an older fridge when our kids were little and they were drawn to those hot coils like moths to a damn flame.
2. At The Top Of The Stairs
Those little daredevils just love sitting at the top of the stairs and scaring the shit out of their parents. That slate landing at the bottom? No big deal, right?
3. In Front Of A Door
Of course, so that when someone pushes it open, they can get a nice door smack in the face.
4. Around The Toilet
Nothing is more alluring to a toddler than water. And poop. And a flusher. It’s a perfect storm of toddler attraction, basically.
5. Near That Drawer Under The Stove
Finger pinching potential. Hot oven for burns. Cool pots and pans to pull out. What’s not to love, says your 2-year old?
6. Under The Bed
Trying to wedge a little kid out from under the bed without scraping their head on the metal frame is damn near impossible. Why do they love it so much?
7. Near Electrical Outlets
There is a reason this is one of the first things new parents child-proof. Trying to fit their tiny, evil-genius fingers in the plug holes is a favorite past-time of many a young child.
8. By A Fireplace
We live in a cold climate so we have the fireplace going often in the winter. We ended up getting a giant $80 gate that could fold all around the fireplace because it proved too enticing to our little kids.
9. Near The Road
Playing on the driveway with sidewalk chalk sounds like such fun but toddlers are drawn the the end of the driveway to see the vroom vrooms within about five minutes. And yes, I needed all of the Backstreet Boys to adequately convey this brand of terror.
10. On Top Of Dressers
Has anyone else gone into a quiet nursery wondering what was up only to find their little one had scaled to the top of their dresser somehow? No? Just me? Alright then.
(Image: braedostok/Shutterstock)