These Photos and the Amazing Birth Story Behind Them Prove Babies Don’t Wait For Anything
Phew, just in the nick of time! We’ve all heard the stories of women giving birth in the car on the way to the hospital. Sometimes, babies just need to come out when they need to come out! But, by some miracle of timing and perseverance, this little guy waited until mama was inside the hospital doors and the birth photographer was ready to capture it all. Max’s amazing birth story will have you cheering mama Jes Hogan on, and wiping away tears over the beautiful and powerful images photographer Tammy Karin was able to capture. Hold onto your seats, folks, this one is crazy!
Max’s amazing birth story starts off a little bit differently than most. Mom Jes Hogan was in the hospital, ready to go, when her labor stalled. So she and husband Travis headed home to wait it out.

Jes spent four hours laboring in a tub at the hospital, but her contractions had started to space out. So, wanting to keep her labor and delivery intervention-free, they decided to let it progress at home. Says Jes, “We spent the following days gently encouraging the contractions, hoping to edge them on into labor. At home I was 5 cm dilated but would not move any further and contractions were uncomfortable, but never really gave me the feeling they would amount to anything more than a sleepless night.”
Jes and Travis spent the days with their five (!) daughters, going to the pool and doing projects around the house. Finally, nearly a week after leaving the hospital the first time, Jes said the magic words: “Travis, I think this is it.”

Little did either of them know how things would unfold after that! During a particularly strong contraction, Jes felt her water break, and off they went. Travis kept his calm and stayed collected the entire time, something Jes says she is still in awe of. He got her into the car, got the bags, and drove while Jes made the necessary phone calls and texted her birth photographer, Tammy.
Jes called labor and delivery on the way and gave them the lowdown: they were on their way, her water had broken, it was her 6th baby, and she wasn’t sure they were going to make it in time.
Once they arrived at the hospital, things went from whoa to WHOA. Travis headed inside, to get some help and let the staff know what was going on. Tammy arrived just in time, and she and Travis helped Jes through the first set of doors. Tammy yelled to the receptionist that Jes was having this baby NOW, and sure enough, just as Jes made it past the second set of doors, little Max began his exit.
Jes started to take her pants off, because she could feel Max’s head crowning. She yelled to her husband, “Travis! Catch him!” And Travis positioned himself to cup Max’s head as he made his entrance into the world.

By this time, luckily, an ER nurse had arrived, and together with Travis, they lowered Jes to the hospital floor. Max’s head was completely out by this point, and as the nurse unwrapped the cord from his neck, she told Jes to push. Jes gave one more push, the only intentional push she says she did throughout the entire delivery, and suddenly, her baby boy was here. Max was really bruised from the incredibly fast delivery, but mama and baby boy were both perfectly fine after their exciting and unpredictable ordeal.
Baby’s Coming

So many gentle hands helping mama.
Shoulders Are Out

Baby’s Here!

SO many amazing people on hand to help this mama and her babe.
Joy and Rest

There is so much tenderness in this photo.
Good Work, Mama!

The staff were able to make sure she got some good skin to skin cuddles right away.
Look at the Sweet Babe

Bonding Love

They’re up in a bed now resting together.
What a Ride

These two will have quite the story to tell.
The Next Morning

Everyone is healthy and happy.
Meeting the Siblings

Look at all the love in this room!
Welcome, Little One

Joining a family full of love.

This little one is your baby sibling.
Rest Up Little One

You really need to read the entire birth story from start to finish, it’s just that good. And such a good reminder that babies, whether it’s your first or your sixth, will do what babies do. Congrats Jes, Travis, Max, and sisters! And amazing pictures, Tammy! Thank you all for sharing this amazing birth story!
(Image: used with permission from Little Leapling Photography)