10 Toddler Tantrums That Could Have Been Avoided
The other half of the parents who just don’t give an eff anymore scenario as they drag their wailing toddlers away from grassy parks is the toddler reasoning. If you listen between those crying, garbled mumbles, you’ll usually hear a word or two about why this massive tantrum is happening on the sidewalk in the middle of a hot day. The line of thought often times doesn’t make sense, but some toddler translation does reveal how these temper tantrums could have been avoided in the first place.
This tantrum could have been avoided….
…if you would just let me move into this grocery cart and wheel me around the parking lot all afternoon until we both have heat stroke.
(photo: TheaBredie)
This tantrum could have been avoided….
…if you would have just given me graham crackers for dinner LIKE I ASKED.
(photo: aimeesilvio)
This tantrum could have been avoided….
…if you wouldn’t insist that I wear 100 percent polyester costumes and smile into your device that should have more games on it.
(photo: FH Alexander)
This tantrum could have been avoided….
…if you would let me play with all the poisons under the sink.
(photo: tiffanycadenhead)
This tantrum could have been avoided….
…if there weren’t ants on my sidewalk drawing.
(photo: bubbletub83)
This tantrum could have been avoided….
…if you wouldn’t make me wear coats outside when it’s actually really cold.
(photo: A Mommy Story)
This tantrum could have been avoided….
…if you hadn’t given birth to this other person who takes all my stuff from me.
(photo: Wayan Vota)
This tantrum could have been avoided….
…if you would just let me run into moving traffic.
(photo: Joelk75)
This tantrum could have been avoided….
…if I could continue to poke myself in the eye with this tree branch.
(photo: heathermacg)
This tantrum could have been avoided….
…if you didn’t insist that I go to bed EVERY night.
(photo: black_coffee_blue_jeans)