Send Us Your Labor Stories For Labor Pains Week On Mommyish!
Next week is Labor Pains Week on Mommyish! We’ll be commemorating this very much needed long weekend with a meditation on labor — the highs, the lows, and all the in-betweens. Whether it’s going back to work soon after your birth or hospital squabbles with the in-laws, you’ll find it all here come Labor Day week.
And speaking of Labor Day, we’ll be running nothing but labor stories on Monday, September 5th. We want to know everything — the silly moments with your partner at your beside, the c-section that you were tricked into having, or the less than attentive nurses that jacked up your epidural.
Should you like to see your birth experience on Mommyish, feel free to send us your stories at entries AT mommyish dot com.
Entries must be received by 6 pm EST on Sunday, September 5th.
Happy Labor Day Weekend, mommies!