Russian Birth Tourism Is Booming in Miami

Well, this is a tad ironic, no? Just hours after the bumbling fool in the White House said his idea of a “clean” DACA bill is one that puts an end to “chain immigration”, NBC News did a report on a booming industry in Miami. Russian birth tourism is on the rise in Florida, with Russian women flocking to the city to give birth and secure U.S. citizenship for their children.

Russian birth tourism is on the rise, and Russian women are boasting on social media about coming to the U.S. in order to give birth.

In Moscow, it’s a symbol of status to have American-born children. Russian women, often with the help of agencies, arrange travel, immigration paperwork, and lodging, sometimes for up to six months. They come to the country, receive medical care during the end of their pregnancies, and give birth here. Babies born on American soil are automatically granted U.S. citizenship, per the 14th Amendment. They get a lifelong right to live, work, and receive benefits in the U.S., and once they turn 21, can sponsor their parents’ application for a green card.

What they’re doing is 100% legal, as long as they go through the proper immigration channels and fill out the paperwork. It is also incredibly expensive.

The women pay tens of thousands of dollars to give birth to an American citizen. One agency that deals in birth tourism is called Miami Mami. The owners, Irina and Konstantin Lubnevskiy, say they bring in approximately 100 Russian clients every year. They claim to be completely transparent with immigration officials, but the firm has landed in hot water in the past.

Over the summer, Miami Mami was raided by the FBI. One employee was convicted of making false statements on passport applications. The owners say it was a rogue employee who was terminated, and that they had no knowledge of what they were doing.

Another company, SVM-MED, also deals in the Russian birth tourism market. They offer various packages to their typically wealthy clients that can run upwards of $80,000. Their top two packages offer lodging in … wait for it … Trump Towers. And they’re not the only ones. Several birth tourism companies use Trump properties in Miami and Sunny Isles. Sunny Medical Center, located in Sunny Isles, specifically lists “citizenship” as one of the benefits of giving birth there.

During his campaign, Trump said he would put an end to “birth-right citizenship” as a way to improve immigration. Apparently, he meant after his company makes a shit ton of money on it.

(Image: iStock/Nadezhda1906)

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