10 Reasons To Feel Smug As A Parent
As parents, we question our every move in an effort to be the best parents we can possibly be for our little ones. We are faced with a myriad of decisions that dictate the quality of life and also, the health and safety of our children. Inevitably, some choices may have “better” results than others and some may also require great sacrifice, financial or otherwise. Sometimes, things our kids do or prefer have nothing to do with any choices we have made but the results are impressive anyway. This is where the smug comes in. I know I have felt it at times because (*ahem*) my kids are pretty amazing but try not to show it. It will only make everyone hate you. Here are 10 reasons to feel totally smug around your fellow parents:
1. Your kid is an “adventurous” eater.
While other babies are shoveling Goldfish crackers down their gullets, yours is eating quinoa and avocado on the reg. Feel smug- that’s actually kind of awesome.
2. You use a baby sling.
If you don’t let your baby’s precious bottom touch the stroller seat, then pat yourself on the back.
3. You only feed organic foods.
No GMO’s for your little Snowflake! #doingitbetter
4. You don’t let your kids watch television.
SpongeBob?! Blasphemy. They prefer your one-act plays to that garbage anyway.
5. You believe in rear-facing car-seats until elementary school.
Their knees might be up to their chins but at least you have car line bragging rights!
6. You sleep trained. Or, you didn’t.
If your kid is sleeping through the night, no matter how you made it happen, you will feel a certain smugness. Try not to be too obvious because a sleep-deprived mom like me might punch your lights out at playgroup.
7. Your kid potty trained super early.
They might not be talking yet but if your 15-month old is using the toilet, you might be tempted to feel very thrilled with yourself.
8. Your kid walked/talked super early.
They might still be shitting in their diaper, but your kid is running and talking circles around their peers. How’s the view from up there?
9. Your kid did not need a pacifier.
He was self-soothing moments after emerging from the womb. Pacifiers are for plebes.
10. You child does not throw tantrums.
This one is a lie anyway but if you have yourself convinced, it is something to be (quietly) smug about when you see another parent suffering the wrath of their toddler at Target.
(All GIF’s: Giphy)
(Image: Rohappy/Shutterstock)