Parents Mad Porn Was Filmed At Kid’s Attraction Which Is Only Bad If Their Kids Watch Porn
Today, we have yet another story proving that there is no end to what parents will get their collective panties in a wad over. An adult film company called (I see what they did there) got permission from the Epping Ongar Railway to film a “school girl” scene aboard one of their historic trains days before it was to be used for a children’s Easter egg hunt. Apparently, these outraged parents think their Special Snowflakes will somehow be corrupted by the ghosts of porn shoots past if they’re there such naughty things happened. Ridiculous.
From Inquisitr, a spokesperson claims the train line had no idea the location would be at all recognizable in the scene but it seems that was not the case:
But in the opening shots of the graphic, half-hour clip, the distinctive, meticulously preserved railway station that dates back to 1865 is clearly visible, with a title card made to look like a vintage railway sign bearing the word ”Nympho” in the foreground.
Ok. So? I still fail to see where this is a problem. If the kids don’t watch this porn film, it would seem their innocence is still intact. Why is anyone upset about this? Furthermore, why does anyone even know? Did a parent watch it and then decide to alert fellow parents and also, by default, broadcast to them that they’re into schoolgirl porn? I don’t understand it. Here are some quotes from “mortified” parents. All I can do is roll my eyes:
”It’s disgusting and a stupid decision,” said one mom, 41-year-old Carla Ince. ”You don’t want to associate somewhere you take children on days out, that promotes the link between Ongar and Epping and is a site of local history with something like that. How can they have that in the same place as fun kids’ events?”
”It makes you wonder what went on in the train. If you are advocating something as a business for families you can’t do that. I am mortified,” said another, Amanda Mendel. ”As a mother, I would be reluctant to take my kids on there again knowing that has gone on. I think it’s disgusting.”
Seriously? You’d be reluctant to take your kids there? I wonder if these parents have considered the myriad other places they’ve taken their kids where The Sex may have taken place days or even *gasp* HOURS before: hotel rooms, playground equipment (afters hours, hopefully), pools, who even knows? And the question is, unless there are puddles of sex fluids left behind, why would it matter? This is one of those instances where I deeply feel the outrage and energy put forth would be better served elsewhere. Like, toward a real problem facing our children today. I can’t understand getting so worked over something so totally meaningless that won’t affect their children at all as long as they don’t tell them a porn was shot there.
For their part, the railroad was apologetic and caved to the complaints admitting they’d made a “mistake”:
”Earlier this year we took a decision to allow an adult film, subject to certain conditions, to be filmed on the railway,” said Dean Walton, the Epping Ongar business manager, in a statement. ”We are sorry that our decision may have caused offense. It is clear that this decision was an error of judgement.”
I suppose if enough parents were upset, they had to apologize to preserve their reputation with the families that patronize their business. I still think it’s ridiculous anyone was worried about this. If the kids aren’t watching the porn, I can’t imagine how this would affect them negatively in any way. These parents need to take a step back and realize that this is really nothing to clutch their pearls over. Move on to something that actually matters.
(Image: GettyImages)