What Happened To This Girl Scout While Selling Cookies Will Infuriate You
I don’t let my kids canvas door to door, whether it’s for a school fundraiser or for a extracurricular one. It scares me to death, I don’t like bothering my neighbors, and I would rather help them sell items to people we know personally. But I’m the mom who will basically buy anything from any kid who comes to my door, or who I encounter at a booth outside my supermarket selling something for school. Especially Girl Scout cookies, because I think most people love Girl Scout cookies, and what scouting means to so many girls.
Except this guy, who when a seven-year-old Girl Scout in Temecula, California knocked on his door at around 11 o’clock on a Sunday morning to sell him cookies answered the door holding a gun. The girl’s father was with her, and the pair ran off when they encountered the weapon, but I can’t even imagine how frightened this child must have been at the sight of a deadly weapon when she was just trying to sell cookies.
According to The Daily Mail, John Michael Dodrill, 59, has been arrested and charged with the offence, and is due to appear in court tomorrow. Two handguns and two rifles were also seized from his home. A spokesperson for the scouts, Jua-Nita Houston, said the little girl was shaken by having a gun pulled on her but will continue selling cookies in order to reach her goals.
I don’t know about you guys, but I want this child’s troop number so I can purchase all of my cookies through her. No matter if you are pro or anti-gun ownership, I think we can all agree that answering the door with one on a Sunday early afternoon when a scout knocks on your door is pretty infuriating. Maybe Dodrill has mental issues, maybe he has been robbed or the victim of a violent crime, but he sounds like the sort of person who should have his gun license revoked forever.
(Image: getty images)