Demon Children Throw Shopping Cart Over Railing, Critically Injuring Woman
For those convinced that today’s youngsters are getting worse in their misbehavior, here’s something else to ruminate over besides the summer London riots. Two 12-year-olds were hanging out at an East Harlem shopping center recently and when they looked down and saw 47-year-old Marion Salmon Hedges walking with her son after purchasing Halloween candy, they did what any bored kids would do: they threw a shopping cart over the fourth floor railing.
Upper West Side realtor is in critical, yet stable condition and faces many months of painful rehabilitation according to her husband, Michael Hedges. The mother is expected to recover, but damage to her brain ensures a difficult recovery. When asked if he is in the least bit angry with the two awful brats, he blamed the parents — as he should:
“They’re not adults. They’re children, and children who have been left on their own without supervision.”
The boys have been charged with felony assault and misdemeanor criminal possession of a weapon, and one of their family members told CBS news that they “feel real bad for the whole situation.” I bet they do, as would I if I left my ill-tempered children alone in a shopping mall long enough to hurl a shopping cart at someone.
Speculate also for a moment the strength it would take two kids to pull off such an endeavor, as the stalling and preparation is surely long enough to consider the pain and long-term damage that could be inflicted on someone. Twelve years old isn’t seven years old, and it’s certainly old enough know better.
(photo: Shutterstock)