TGI Friday Open Thread: Where The Hell Did Summer Go?
It seems just yesterday I was complaining about my kids being home for the summer and now it’s all ready back to school time. What the hell? Where did the summer go? My kids go back on Tuesday and I am scrambling getting their clothes and supplies ready and dreading waking up 30 minutes early to pack lunches for three kids and trying to get organized so I don’t end up losing my mind. I am excited for them to go back but I will admit I will miss them hanging around all day. I just feel like the summer has gone by so fast.
I haven’t done half the things I wanted to do! I didn’t get to go anywhere or tackle half the fun and not so fun projects I had lined up around my house. I haven’t had nearly enough fun yet and I am all ready getting catalogues in the mail featuring Halloween costumes!
When do your kids go back to school? How have you spent your summer vacation? Did you all make fun foofoo cocktails and have giant water balloon fights with out me? Are you looking forward to BTS or are you dreading packing lunches like I am?
Tell meeee! GO! GO! GO!
(Photo: MNStudio/shutterstock)