MoviePass Wants to Offer Members Unlimited Movies for $10 a Month

When was the last time you went to the movies? A few weeks ago? Months? What keeps you from going more often? I know for many of us, cost is a factor. Years ago, hitting a movie and getting popcorn wouldn’t set you back more than $10. Now you’re lucky if you can get any snacks under that price. Ticket prices have skyrocketed. Nowadays, folks are more likely to Netflix and chill than hit the movies. One company is looking to change all that. MoviePass wants to offer members unlimited movies for $10 a month, and it’s a potential game-changer.

What is MoviePass?

Now, MoviePass isn’t exactly new. They’ve been around since 2011, run by former Redbox prez and Netflix co-founder Mitch Lowe. The old deal was that you could purchase MoviePass memberships for $50 a month so watch (at most) one film per day at participating theaters (like AMC, CineMark, and Regal, among many others). Technically if you’re a hardcore cinephile, that’s a great deal. Each movie ticket is likely to cost you between $10-12 anyway, and if you’re going, say, twice a week…Well, you do the math.

Now, the cine-centric company is going hard on their discount and offering a movie-a-day for $10 a month. If you go to the movies more than once a month, that’s obviously a no-brainer. Now, there are some pros and cons to this whole deal (I mean, c’mon, nothing is perfect)…

MoviePass Pros

$10 a month! But also, itĀ should be available in 91% of theaters (even small indie ones). There’s no blackout dates (hello Christmas at the movies!) And did I mention $10 a month?

MoviePass Cons

The biggest drawback is that you have to buy your tickets on site. That means no using Fandango or any other service to skip lines. Then again, as a legit cinephile, you might just enjoy the excitement of waiting in line, especially since you won’t actually have to pay anything to get your ticket. Also, 3-D and IMAX movies are exempt. But again, if you’re a true cinephile, you’re probably not looking for that as much as quality film, right? You also have to buy tickets alone (you can’t combine you and a friend’s Moviepass in an order if you want to sit together at one of those theaters where they assign seats). But I mean, it’s probably not a huge deal. Oh, and premium theaters like LandMark are also out of the question. Oh, well.

So what do you think? Would you shell out just $10 monthly for this service, or are there too many strings attached? Let us know in the comments!

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(Image: Pixabay / dbreen)

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