Beyonce Really Wasn’t Kidding When She Said She Would Be Pregnant By 30
The big news that swept the interwebs last night is Beyonce‘s pregnancy! The international superstar has of course been rumored to have been pregnant for years now and while I heard whispers about a month ago that the performer was expecting, myself and the rest of the Mommyish editorial dismissed them all the same. But some earlier comments should have tipped us all off, as the Grammy winner said earlier this summer that she would have a baby by 30.
Mommies, she turns 30 on September 4th.
Msnbc reports:
“I always said I would have a baby at 30,” Beyonce teased on a June 27 appearance on CNN’s Piers Morgan Tonight.
Given how driven the superstar has always demonstrated herself to be, it’s of no surprise that she’s hit the milestone of motherhood with the same kind of work ethic. Her personal deadline of 30 has proved to be no different than procuring her many other accolades and professional achievements. Now let’s see how she manages to keep all plates spinning. No doubt, she’ll shine at that endeavor too.