The 10 Funniest Tweets From Parents This Week

One of the best things about Twitter is that you can get a fun glimpse into people’s brains by the small phrases they tweet and there are so many parents who just seem to understand our struggle. It’s hard to keep our cool when our little ones are doing everything they can to push all the buttons.

We know you all love to laugh just as much as we do and these tweets from fellow parents will bring you just the right amount of giggles and camaraderieĀ to get you through until bedtime.

1. Healthy Life Choices

2. How’s It Going?

3. Works Every Time

4. Spring Break

5. Truth

6. Future and Past

7. Seriously, why?

8. Lies!

9. How Precious!

10. Solid Advice!

Did you come across any hilarious tweets this week? Share them with us in the comments or tweet to us @MommyishDotCom!

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