19 Kids And Counting: The Most Notable Moments From Last Night’s Interview Episode
Good morning, Duggar fans! Last night’s episode was not a regular one with a manufactured TLC plot line complete with made-up drama. Instead, we were treated to NBC’s Erica Hill lobbing total softball questions to every Duggar, sunshine and rainbows everywhere! It was obvious that Hill was told not to ask them anything remotely controversial but that didn’t stop a few Duggars from spewing stupidity anyway. Here are the top 10 notable moments from last night’s annoyingly atypical episode of 19 Kids and Counting!
1. The “Kids Born On TV” List
At the beginning of this moronic hour, Jim Bob rattles off every kid and grand-kid born on TV. There are 10 total. Modesty is paramount, guys. But if putting this birth on camera makes dolla dolla bills for Pimp Daddy Boob, all bets are off. I want to punch him for all the money he’s made off the women in his family.
2. Michelle And Jim Bob’s Relationship “Mistake”
Hill asks Boob and Michelle about their pre-marital naughtiness (aka, kissing) and they still look legitimately ashamed! My God, you guys — you’ve been married for 30 years and have 19 kids. Clearly, it all worked out. They explain how this “mistake” led them to encourage their kids to save all of the “physical stuff” for marriage. Yawn. Whatever, Duggars.
3. Michelle Thinking Her Bikini Brought Shame To Her Family
OMG, you guys. Poor Michelle. Hill brings up the subject of modesty and asks Michelle to explain why it’s so important to her. Michelle tells of how her neighbor saw her as a teenager in a bikini and she’s still utterly convinced the neighbor’s family didn’t like her family because of it! She thinks she tempted the husband with her teenage figure. That’s a super rational line of thinking. Also, Hill’s face says it all — she clearly thinks the modesty line is bullshit. Michelle is explaining how girls and women are responsible for “stirring up desires” in men and boys with their clothing and Hill is kind of “cool story, bro” and pushes on to a new topic. Shut that shit right down.
4. Jim Bob Slut-Shaming Michelle
At some point during Michelle’s teenage bikini slut confessional, Jim Bob piped in saying that she used to mow the lawn in her bikini. The tone in his voice made my stomach turn. He is honestly ashamed of her having done this, it’s clear as a bell by the way he says it. God, what an asshole. And poor Michelle. He’s brainwashed her and she’s totally convinced he’s right.
5. Josh And Anna’s “Stricter” Courtship
Josh bemoans the fact that his sisters were allowed to side-hug after becoming engaged when he and Anna only held hands. Anna says Jim Bob and Michelle were “stricter” back then. Which is not only totally fucking ridiculous, but also, proves my theory that the couples are not the ones who make the courtship rules, contrary to Michelle’s claim. The parents are in total control, make no mistake. Gross.
6. No One Lets Josie Talk
Hill asks Josie simple questions about what toys she likes to play with and before the kid can even open her mouth, Jim Bob and Michelle speak up for her. Coupled with the ridiculous baby talk I’ve seen on several episodes, I’m betting Josie is going to be “the baby” for a very long time. It’s a shame because she seems like a really bright and unique little kid.
7. Anna’s “Michelle” Hair
I’ve been thrilled with Anna’s look over the last few seasons. Her hair has been on point and her make-up has been great too but all that went down the shitter last night when she appeared to have festooned a piece of roadkill on her head in place of her usual ‘do. It was a very “Michelle” look and I was deeply disappointed. I hope it was just pregnancy brain or an unfortunate lapse in judgment because she was doing so well. Sigh.
8. Jessa Giving Jill’s First Kiss A Secret Middle Finger
We got to walk down memory lane and rehash Ben and Jessa’s wedding. Because it’s been about three weeks and I guess we just needed to hear it all over again. This time, we got some nice zingers from both Ben and Jessa about their much-discussed, private first kiss. Jessa has clear disdain for the way it went for Derick and Jill noting that she thought it should be an intimate and special moment. Ben said he didn’t want the kiss “dissected” and I was all HE SAW OUR POSTS because we definitely wrote about Jill and Derick and their creepy fish lips.
9. Derick “The Master Burper”
Guys, you know the Duggars have noooo idea in the world how this phrase could be interpreted but me and my red wine did and now, I’ll never stop laughing. Derick was not present for this interview as he’s recovering from dental surgery, but Jill told the camera that this is his new nickname since baby Israel was born. The Master Burper. I can’t make this shit up.
10. Cheering The Newest Teen Couple To Marriage
The big finale of this lame episode was a little segment focusing on Josiah’s new lady love Marjorie. You know, the 18 year old and his 17 year old girlfriend who are now under tremendous familial pressure to get married in the next year. Completely normal, right? Right. Joy Anna says she is fitting in well with the family and of course, that should be a concern for a teenage girl and her boyfriend. Good Lord, I’m done.
Apparently, this was the season finale so I bid you all adieu until next time! I will be keeping up on all Duggar news, as usual, so watch for it! Thanks for reading all season, it’s so fun for me knowing you all laugh at it too! BLESS!
(Image: DefyMedia)