Just In Time For Back To School, Urban Outfitters Is Selling Booze T-Shirts To Our Teens
Before anyone whines at me about how Urban Outfitters is for college students, a lot who are over the legal drinking age, I am a mom to a teenager and guess where he wanted to go back-to-school shopping? Urban Outfitters. With brands like Kill City, Obey and Converse, it has the type of clothing a lot of our under-21-year-old kids like wearing. And you can’t tell me that a store that also carries super cool Kid Robot figures and bacon frosting isn’t a place most teenagers wouldn’t dig shopping at.
Urban Outfitters should make some super hipster new t’s for our teenagers to wear! I am happy to suggest the following super cool slogans!
Almost Every 90 Seconds, A Person is Injured In A Drunk Driving Crash!
Teen Alcohol Use Kills About 6000 People Each Year, More Than All Illegal Drugs Combined!
Teens Who Have Had Five Or More Drinks Were Three Times Less Likely To Use Condoms Than Other Teens!
Nearly 40 Percent Of High School Boys Said It Is Acceptable To Force Sex If A Girl Is Drunk!
I love booze. I love nothing more than a nice fizzy cocktail or a glass of a slutty red wine with dinner, but I am a grownup. I’ve been of legal drinking age almost half of my life and I know my limits, and I know I personally hate nothing more than a hangover and having to get up the next morning and take care of kids and work. So I am very careful about my alcohol consumption. Most teenagers aren’t, and do they really need T-shirts glorifying alcohol use when most of them aren’t even old enough to consume alcohol, much less know how to consume it? Unlike the threat of walrus sex, alcohol use amongst kids and teens is something that is a real problem in this country, and Urban Outfitters should be called out for their new line of stupid booze T-shirts.
(Photo: Urban Outfitters)