All New Dads Should Take Parenting Advice From Ryan Reynolds
If there are any dudes out there looking for advice on how to be good dads, I would point them in the direction of Deadpool star Ryan Reynolds, went on Late Night with Seth Meyers last night to promote his new movie and also give parenting advice. The clip above includes a pretty great moment between my fictional husband, Seth Meyers, and my fictional secret sidepiece, Ryan Reynolds, sharing advice about how to be a good parent. Reynolds has a new baby daughter, and Meyers has a baby on the way. When Meyers asked for advice, Reynolds said:
”Just do the dirty work, man. You gotta do the diapers, you gotta do the middle of the night thing,” he said. ”I mean, your wife ”” a human being will exit your wife, so she’s done enough. Just change the diapers.”
I don’t know that Reynolds has ever received as many applause in his life as he got for that one. Most dads do the diaper thing these days. Diapers aren’t even that gross, really. Diapers aren’t a big deal. The middle of the night thing, though, is a very big deal, and more guys need to know about it and step up and take middle-of-the-night shifts. That is excellent advice from cool dude Ryan Reynolds, star of Deadpool.
As long as we are doling out parenting advice, I think it is important to add this: DO NOT TAKE YOUR SMALL CHILDREN TO SEE DEADPOOL. I’m sure it’s great and funny and I can’t wait to see it myself, but I will not be taking a child with me, because it’s extremely inappropriate for children. I’m told some people think it’s a comic book movie and quirky and funny and thus for kids, but seriously, Deadpool is rated R for a reason. Do not take your kids to see Deadpool unless they are in high school. This has been a friendly notice from your resident reader of comic books that are very much not for kids, like Deadpool, who once saw a man scream at an innocent movie ticket vendor who had sold him a ticket to see Watchmen, and he’d ignored the rating and taken his 5-year-old daughter to see it, giant blue penis and all.
OK, now back to talking about what a great dude Ryan Reynolds seems to be.
While Reynolds is giving good advice that lots of new fathers should follow, they should should not, however, duplicate Reynolds’ behavior in the delivery room. He says he was hanging out with Blake Lively while she labored in delivery for the birth of their daughter, James, and in the middle of a contraction he started singing “Let’s Get It On” by Marvin Gaye. Lively was not amused.
”It was like steak knives coming out of her eyes. Just like, ”˜Are you f””ing s””-ing me right now?’” he told Seth Meyers.
Lively’s got a good sense of humor, and Reynolds says she was joking around through most of the delivery, but when a woman is mid-contraction the only appropriate course of action is a look of extreme sympathy for what she is going through.
This would be acceptable:
(Via Tumblr)