As Expected, PA School Stabbing Has Already Started The Neverending Guns VS Knives Argument
Twenty people were injured when a knife wielding student went on a violent rampage this morning at a Pittsburgh-area high school. As you can imagine, this has quickly turned into an argument about the dangers of weapons like knives, versus guns.
I am in the camp that believes more people would be gravely injured if that student was carrying a gun. In the grand scheme of things, this is a frivolous point. Students are injured – we’re not sure how bad yet – and horrified. Parents are filled with terror and the rest of us are watching wondering why something like this happened.
Guns are one of those topics that people will disagree about until the end of time – sensible people on both sides, really. There are just those who look at today and think, “thank God that wasn’t a gun” and those who think, “see – guns don’t injure people, people do.” The topic of guns is polarizing. It always will be.