15 Adorable Kids That Just Happen To Be With Smoking Hot Dads
Who doesn’t like looking at adorable men with cute babies? If you threw in a few cat GIFs and some recipes, I would never leave my new favorite Tumblr Fuck Yeah Hot Dads With Babies. It’s summer; we’re all less productive. Here’s another little time-suck for you.
“Welcome Lucas. I’m ur uncle Pedro and my head weighs the same as u.” Happy uncle with baby? Come on. Adorable. (Source: jemscoughlin)
I think myself and every other woman in the country wanted to buy her son and partner capes after we saw this picture.
This baby has no idea how adorably hip his father is. (Source: beardedlust)
Would you look at the eyes on this kid? (Source: stuffmomnevertoldyou)
Does everyone remember the uproar over this photo? Two gay dads doing their daughter’s hair made the internet explode. I love this picture so much. (Source: stuffmomnevertoldyou)
This is gorgeous and I can tell it was taken with a real, live camera and not an iPhone!
I loved Diana. I love her son. This picture is amazing.
Dying. (Source: andonlythroughmine)
Morning cuteness. (Source: instruccionesparallorar)
Surfing cuteness. (Source: letterswrittenwithlove)
More surfing cuteness. (Source:nikkimermaid)
It’s Schmidt! (Source: jakthecelebritysource)
Adorable little toes… check. Hot dad… check. Perfect lighting… check. (Source: dakotasaurusrex)
I’m going to call this “noodles and joy.” (Source: ingridcherryhead)
Well, this is an obvious choice. (Source: lepetitelion)