Heidi Pratt Shares Gorgeous Breastfeeding Photo
Heidi Pratt and Spencer Pratt welcomed their son Gunner Stone in October. Since then, the pair has stayed pretty under the radar. Which is understandable! It takes a while to adjust to having a new baby at home. They shared pictures of their new family on their social media accounts. And honestly, the little guy is ADORABLE. But a picture that Heidi shared recently is getting a bit more attention. Heidi is breastfeeding little Gunner, and shared a really beautiful image of a special bonding moment they shared. With a few furry friends!
Heidi Pratt shared the breastfeeding photo on her Instagram. Looks like she’s REALLY embracing the mom life: baby on the boob and pups all over!
“The greatest joy and blessing in my life. My angel has taken me to a completely new and powerful experience. More love than I could have possibly imagined! I love, support, and appreciate women more than I ever have before. The strength and heart it takes every day. It has been more rewarding than I could have dreamed. God truly had made women to be extraordinary. ”
Gotta love those nursing boobs, right? And you’re absolutely right, Heidi. Women ARE extraordinary.
I think my favorite part of the photo is all four dogs sitting around with mama while she feeds their little brother. Some dogs don’t adjust well to a new baby in the house, but it looks like Heidi and Spencer’s pups have welcomed the addition with open paws.
Their life now is sure a far cry from the days of The Hills, isn’t it? It’s so weird to “meet” people at a certain point in their lives, and then literally watch them grow and mature and become actual adults. I guess we really do all grow up eventually!
Congrats on little Gunner, Heidi! We love the photo!
(Image: Facebook/Heidi Montag)