Evening Feeding: 3 Reasons Why Teachers Should Not Carry Guns
A case against arming teachers. (HuffPo Parents)
Kim Kardashian is hit with rumors of Kanye West cheating. (The Stir)
Just how healthy does a toddler’s lunch need to be? (Babble)
On living abroad. (The Hairpin)
Arkansas state senate passes bill to defund sex education. (The Frisky)
How to resolve familial differences in your relationship. (YourTango)
Safe ways to get rid of pests in your home. (Parents.com)
7 updated financial money mantras for modern times. (Money Crashers)
Jessica Simpson is gearing up for her second baby shower. (Celeb Baby Laundry)
What I learned from being sort of married. (HuffPo Women)
(photo: karen roach / Shutterstock)