Calling Dads DILFs And Posting Their Pics On The Internet Isn’t Funny, It’s Invasive
I mean, it isn’t the dads that bother me, and my sensibilities re: enjoying attractive male bodies are not offended. It’s the fact that most of these people don’t seem to know that they’re having photos taken of them, which puts the snaps into creepshot territory.
The general consensus seems to be that the account is funny or performing a much needed service. It’s “The Instagram Account You’ve Actually Been Waiting For“, says Buzzfeed, insisting that it’s not creepy, it’s a celebration. I think I understand the sentiment. Let’s objectify some dudes for once!
But I still find it unsettling because you know that if it was “MILFs of The Magic Kingdom”, people would be grossed out or disturbed by it. I mean, not everyone but some people definitely would.
Some people don’t mind the labels MILF or DILF and even find them complimentary and while I’m not among them, I don’t judge those people at all. Who doesn’t want to be considered desirable, especially after you become asexual in the eyes of the world as an icky breeder? But there’s an easy way to find out if the person you want to photograph has a problem with being a Disneyland DILF–ask them.
To be fair, some of the guys are looking at the camera, so it might not all be upjort shots here.
And sure, it’s generally accepted that when you’re in a public place you surrender some degree of privacy, but it just seems decent not to surreptitiously take pictures of people without their permission. Why should it matter if a creepshot is a picture of some unknowing girl’s derriere or some unknowing dad’s magnificent pecs? It shouldn’t.
Since I’m forever out of the running for DILF for obvious reasons, I decided to get Mr. Theresa’s opinion on this. His thinks that the idea of showing up on a site dedicated to showcasing paternal hotness is intriguing. He doesn’t think he’d be creeped out, as long as he got to maintain his anonymity. Overall, he thinks it would be flattering.
What doesn’t sit as well with him is if our daughter was included in the picture. Since it’s an account dedicated to dads, of course the wayward stroller or Princess-fied toddler ends up in the snap. While he imagines the account is harmless, it skeeves him out the way it would if some rando started taking snaps of our kid at the playground or something, regardless of whether or not she had a parent in the frame with her.
It could be that I’m being too pearl-clutchy, but I think of it this way: I think women have the right to enjoy a day out wearing whatever they like without being ogled or photographed. If I didn’t feel the same way about men, that would make me a hypocrite. If that makes me a swoony pearl-clutcher, ok. As long as I’m an equal opportunity swoony pearl clutcher.
Now if you’ll excuse me I need to go procure some smelling salts and a fainting chair.
(Images: dilfs_of_disneyland)