17 Celebrities Who Have Questionable Ideas On Vaccinations

Vaccinations have been a hot topic for some time now. There has been quite the controversy surrounding vaccines and their safety. Many believe that there is a link regarding vaccines and Autism. However, this has been proven over and over to be false. The World Health Organization (WHO) has said that the refusal to vaccinate given the availability of vaccines has been deemed a “top 10 threat to global health.” In the past 12 months alone, cases of measles have more than doubled with over 230,000 cases around the world. That was just last year. These numbers keep climbing as more and more people choose not to vaccinate their children.
There has also been the case of a six-year-old boy in Oregon contracting tetanus. The pediatric case of tetanus was something that had not been seen in the state in over 30 years. Despite the incident happening in 2017 on his family’s farm, who just patched him up at the time, this has come to light. When the boy’s parents finally took him to the hospital, he had to be put on a ventilator. He was in the ICU and had to be given medications to control his violent muscle spasms. As part of his treatment, he was given the tetanus vaccine. Doctors spoke with the parents at length about a second round of DTap, but the parents declined.
The situation has gotten so bad that some doctor’s offices refuse to see their pediatric patients because of their parent’s choice not to vaccinate them. They don’t want easily preventable diseases to spread to other patients. A majority of those parents that choose not to vaccinate their children are average parents. It is when the big names get thrown around is when other people become influenced by what they are saying. Some of Hollywood’s biggest names have spoken out against vaccination and the purported harm that they believe that they cause. Here are some of the biggest names who are staunchly anti-vaccination.
Alicia Silverstone

Alicia Silverstone, of Clueless fame, has spoken out about vaccines in her book, The Kind Mama: A Simple Guide to Supercharged Fertility, a Radiant Pregnancy, a Sweeter Birth, and a Healthier, More Beautiful Beginning. In the book, she writes that vaccines are basically shots of “aluminum and formaldehyde.” She also said, “While there has not been a conclusive study of the negative effects of such a rigorous one-size-fits-all, shoot-’em-up schedule, there is increasing anecdotal evidence from doctors who have gotten distressed phone calls from parents claiming their child was ”˜never the same’ after receiving a vaccine. And I personally have friends whose babies were drastically affected in this way.” She has not gotten her son, Bear Blu Jarecki vaccinated and feels that because he eats healthy and clean, that his body will easily flush out any toxins.
Jenny McCarthy

Jenny McCarthy is quite possibly one of the largest celebrity voices in the anti-vaccine movement. She married actor John Mallory Asher in September of 1999. The couple, now divorced have one son together, Evan. When her son was two-years-old, and it was time for his vaccinations, McCarthy said that she had read an article in Time magazine about a possible link between vaccines and autism. She said that she told her son’s doctor that she did not want him to receive the MMR (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella) vaccine. However, her husband persisted and signed the paperwork for the child to get vaccinated. McCarthy says that her son was diagnosed with autism in 2005. She believes it was a result of the vaccine. She has written three books on the subject.
Jim Carrey

Actor Jim Carrey, who has dated actress Jenny McCarthy has a strong stance on vaccines as well. He says that he is not “anti-vaccine,” but rather “anti-thimerosol and anti-mercury.” In 2015, he took to the social media soapbox that is Twitter to express is opinions. One tweet reads “They say mercury in fish is dangerous but forcing all of our children to be injected with mercury in thimerosol is no risk. Make sense?” The CDC has stated that there has not been any thimerosol in the MMR, Varicella, pneumococcal conjugate and IPV (inactive polio vaccine). He believes that the Centers for Disease Control are “corrupt.”
Lisa Bonet

Bonet, of The Cosby Show fame, began speaking out against vaccines in the early 1990’s. She had one daughter at that time, Zoë Isabella, with famous rock star Lenny Kravitz. In an interview on The Donahue Show, Bonet had said, “introduce alien microorganisms into our children’s blood and the long-term effects which could be trivial or they could be quite hazardous””and they could just be allergies or asthma or sleep disorders or they could be cancer, leukemia, multiple sclerosis, sudden infant death syndrome. It’s very scary and it’s very serious, and I think because I felt wrong doing it…that’s why I didn’t do it. You know we have to think twice. You know why are our kids getting these diseases?” Bonet has since had two more children with husband Jason Momoa, a daughter, Lola and a son, Nakoa-Wolf.
Kat Von D

Katherine von Drachenberg, or better known as Kat Von D, stirred up a lot of anti-vaccination controversy in 2018, after announcing her pregnancy. In an Instagram post that has since been removed, the famous tattoo artist and makeup mogul said that she and her husband would be raising their child vegan and “vaccination free.” She has stated “We’re bringing our children into this world, and we’re trying to do the absolute best we can with the information we have and the information we’re given.” Von D and her husband have not been absolutely clear as to why they are against vaccinating their child. However, many other celebrities cite scientist Andrew Wakefield’s study that supposedly links the MMR vaccine to a diagnosis of autism. His theory has since been discredited many times over. On November 29, 2018, Von D and her husband, Rafael Reyes of the band Prayers, welcomed a son, Leafar Von Drachenberg Reyes.
Robert De Niro

The beloved actor was interviewed by The Today Show in April 2016 to express his displeasure with the anti-vaccine film Vaxxed being axed from the lineup at the Tribeca Film Festival. De Niro’s son Elliot, whom he has with ex-wife Grace Hightower, has autism. When originally asked about the science that back’s up that vaccines do not cause autism, De Niro replied, “I believe it’s much more complicated.” Since then, he has withdrawn his support from the film, however, he still intends to delve deeper into finding out more about vaccines and autism. Vaxxed was made by Andrew Wakefield, who we mentioned earlier in this article.
Rob Schneider

Funnyman Rob Schneider is vehemently against vaccines. He, along with other celebrities lobbied against a California bill that would require parents who do not want to vaccinate their children to at least meet with a physician before a final decision. In a 2012 interview with California news station News 10, Schneider said, “The doctors are not gonna tell you both sides of the issue… they’re told by the pharmaceutical industry, which makes billions of dollars, that it’s completely safe. The efficacy of these shots have not been proven,” he later continued. ”And the toxicity of these things ”” we’re having more and more side effects. We’re having more and more autism.”
Kristin Cavallari

The former Hills beauty and her husband, Jay Cutler, a former NFL quarterback are most definitely against vaccinating their children. During a Fox & Friends interview in 2014, she claimed that she did not vaccinate her child, and wouldn’t be vaccinating her second child, with whom she was pregnant with at the time. During the interview, Cavallari said, “We didn’t vaccinate. I read too many books about autism and there’s studies”¦Now, one in 88 boys is autistic and that’s a scary statistic.” The couple have two sons together, Camden Jack, Jaxon Wyatt and a daughter named Saylor James.
Charlie Sheen

The former television star has quite the stance on vaccines. He did not want his daughters, Sam and Lola to be vaccinated. It even escalated into a legal battle between Sheen and the girl’s mother, Denise Richards. Sheen even wrote a letter to the children’s doctor, stating that he did not give his consent for the doctor to administer the MMR vaccine. He believed the vaccine to be “poison.” Denise Richards admits that their arguing over vaccinating is just one of the multitude of reasons that their marriage didn’t work. She said, “When I vaccinated Sam, he accused me of poisoning her. And I knew when he said that that the marriage wasn’t going to work.” Sheen also has 3 other children, twins Bob and Max with other ex-wife Brooke Mueller, and an adult girl, whom he had with his high school sweetheart.
Kevin Gates

Rapper Kevin Gates and his wife Dreka Hayes have two children together, Islah and Khaza. The rapper has also hinted that he has other children by other women, but doesn’t elaborate past that. However, when it comes to Islah and Khaza, Gates and his wife do not believe in vaccinating them. In a 2016 interview, Gates gushes about how bright his children are. He’s said, “They different. They sit down like little people and just talk.” He also goes on to talk about how accelerated his daughter is, saying, “I know why she’s so accelerated. She’s never been vaccinated before, that’s why she’s so accelerated, she doesn’t have mercury in her body or things to that nature.”
Bill Maher

Known for his funny, witty and sarcastic attitude towards most subjects, Bill Maher doesn’t seem to believe that we need vaccines anymore. In a 2015 interview with Playboy, Maher said, “I’ve never argued that vaccines don’t work. I just don’t think you need them. There are so many maladies now that used to be rare and now are much more prevalent””things like allergies, ADD, asthma, migraines, autoimmune disorders, chronic fatigue, colitis, more colds. I’m not saying vaccines cause any of them, but the modern immune system might be less robust than it used to be because it doesn’t get its full workout going through a disease like the measles. I’m glad vaccines exist, just like I’m glad antibiotics exist, but we’ve abused the hell out of them. Bugs that no antibiotic works on anymore? I worry about that a lot more.”
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

The fervent environmentalist and nephew of former president John. F. Kennedy has a strong stance on vaccines. In 2005, Kennedy wrote an article for Rolling Stone and Salon.com. It was titled “Deadly Immunity.” In the article, Kennedy writes about a possible government conspiracy theory about the government wanting to cover up the purported link between thimerosal and autism. However, the article contained factual errors, leading up to Salon.com retracting the article entirely in 2011. He has also authored books on the subject, as well as teaming up with actor Robert De Niro. The duo offered up a monetary reward of $100,000 to anyone that can prove that vaccines are safe.
Billy Corgan

The lead singer/songwriter of the band The Smashing Pumpkins does not seem to trust vaccines. The musician publicly spoke out about them during the 2009 Swine Flu outbreak. While Corgan admits that some of his friends even contracted the virus, he believes that the virus was possibly “man made.” He said, “I do not trust those who make the vaccines, or the apperatus behind it all to push it on us thru fear. This is not judgment; it is a personal decision based on research, intuition, conversations with my doctor and my ”˜family’. If the virus comes to take me Home, that is between me and the Lord.” Corgan has two children with girlfriend Chloe Mendel.
Aidan Quinn

The Emmy-nominated actor believes that vaccination has caused his daughter’s severe case of autism. Quinn’s daughter, Ava, born in 1989 was “way above normal,” according to the actor. He believes that all changed when she got her vaccinations. He said, “And then she received a vaccination. She got a 106-degree fever, she turned blue and she woke up the next day a completely damaged child after that.” Today, Ava is in a residence for those with special needs. However, her family does bring her home on weekends to visit. However, their home has to be prepared for her visit each weekend.
Tisha Campbell-Martin

The award-winning television actress does believe that there is a correlation between vaccines and autism. In a 2013 interview with Essence magazine, the actress opened up about her autistic son, Xen. She said, “Right after [Xen] got the Hepatitis B shot; I noticed a difference the second day of life. There was just something different and I kept telling everyone who walked in the room, ”˜Something is up with this baby’ and they kept saying no you’re a new mom. The same exact thing happened with my nephew. He started having seizures and autistic-like symptoms. I asked if he’d gotten the Hepatitis B shot and they said yes. I couldn’t say anything. So when you asked me do I think vaccinations can attribute to autism, I think it might have something to do with it because of what I’ve seen from my particular family.”
Chuck Norris

Everyone’s favorite television Texas Ranger is adamant that vaccines do more harm than good. In November 2011, Norris took to the website World News Daily to blast the CDC. He believes there is a cover-up going on. Here is just a snippet of what it says, “So buyer, beware! Or should I say, booster, beware! Don’t check your brain in at the door of your family’s health, nutrition or medical care. And don’t ever be afraid to ask the hard questions of your health practitioners, like, ‘What are the exact ingredients in that syringe?'” Norris also asked the question, “But do we really want to swap the flu bug for thimerosal? And isn’t ”Centers for Disease Control and Prevention” a total misnomer when it allows ”trace amounts of thimerosal” in our children’s soup of medicines?”
Kailyn Lowry

While she may not be a huge Hollywood celeb, Lowry is a mom of three and star of MTV’s Teen Mom 2. In a podcast earlier this year, she revealed that her newest addition, 20-month-old Lux, is not vaccinated. Lowry also has son Isaac, 9, who is fully vaccinated. However with her middle child, Lincoln, she began doing more research and that led to Lincoln only getting some vaccines. During the podcast, she said, “Lux is 18 months, and he is not vaccinated,” Lowry said during her podcast. “He hasn’t really ever been sick, and for me, I think the more research that I do and the more educated I’ve become, (I’m thinking) just don’t vaccinate him.”
*For reference, thimerosal has been used as a preservative in vaccines for decades. Its function is to keep bacteria out of the vaccines. There have been a plethora of studies about thimerosal and the links between autism.