This Weird Gender Reveal Involves a Catfish, and You’re Just Going to Have to See It
We’ve all seen a gender reveal or twelve by this point in our lives. They usually involve cutting into a cake, smashing a piñata, or releasing a bunch of balloons. But I feel pretty confident that no one has ever seen a gender reveal that involves a giant catfish…until now.
Prepare for your life to never be the same.
Oklahoma couple Shelby and Colt Moore are currently expecting a child. When it came time to reveal the sex of the baby, they invited a bunch of people out to…IDK, a lake? for the most unique gender reveal I’ve ever seen. While Shelby stood precariously in a boat (causing me to scream “SIT DOWN OR YOU’LL FALL!”), Colt and a bunch of other dudes stood in the murky brown water outside the boat. I’m not afraid of water but I would be afraid of this water.
One of the guys, who I assume is Colt, goes under the water repeatedly to “catch a flathead catfish.” And then he literally wrestles a giant fish to the surface with his bare hands and I don’t know if I’m horrified or impressed. I think a little of both.
But, presenting a giant fish to the mother of his child wasn’t the only trick Colt had up his sleeve. He and his pals started pulling on a cord that was in the fish’s mouth, and eventually a bright pink tag came flying out. And let me tell you, Shelby was fucking delighted.
There’s a lot I don’t understand about this video. 1) How did the tag get inside the fish? 2) How did they catch that fish with their bare hands? 3) Was Colt opening his eyes in that water? 4) How did that boat not fall over with her jumping up and down like that?
The video of the reveal, which Shelby shared on Facebook, has already been viewed more than four MILLION times.
Shelby and Colt also announced their baby’s name, Collins Taylor Moore, which is very cute. No word on if her nursery will be fish-themed.
(Image: Facebook / Shelby Moore)