7 Reasons It Sucks To Be Pregnant On Thanksgiving
You would think that being pregnant on Thanksgiving would be awesome. You imagine lots of food to satisfy your every craving and your entire family gathered ’round to share in your excitement and hear about your plans for decorating the nursery. Rarely does dinner with the extended family go so smoothly. In reality, being pregnant on Thanksgiving is anything but a holiday.
1. Everyone is looking at your plate.
Whether it’s to say you’re eating too much, encouraging you to eat for enough for two, or questioning you about the wisdom in eating brie, everything you put into your mouth is cause for comment.
2. You can’t get comfortable.
Your mom’s pub style dining room table looks great, but the higher chairs mean your feet are dangling, swollen melons and her super cushy couch makes standing up for your bi-hourly pee break into an ordeal. If you were at home, you’d be in your super roomy T-shirt with the holes in the hem and a pair of yoga pants, but you decided to try and look nice today and now these maternity jeans are riding into uncharted and uncomfortable territory.
3. Pregnancy hormones make your favorite foods smell gross.
Food aversions during pregnancy are very real and very crappy. I was pregnant for Thanksgiving and while I usually love cranberry sauce, the mere look of it was enough to turn my stomach. Since it was on everyone’s plates there wasn’t much I could do to avoid it unless I wanted to sit at the kiddie table, where such gross things are banned.
4. You’re held hostage at the table while everyone talks about you right in front of you.
From Great Aunt Josie insisting you name the baby after your late Uncle Eugene to your bitchy cousin’s remarks about your plan for an epidural, everyone has an opinion to share about the baby- and you get to hear them all.
5. No alcohol.
While some pregnant woman chose to imbibe, most take a pass on drinking while pregnant. Never is this sacrifice felt more than during the holidays. Spending large chunks of time with family without something to help wash down all those passive aggressive comments from your MIL is the worst.
6. You just want to take a nap.
Being pregnant is exhausting on an ordinary day, but the rich food and everyone’s body heat is making it super warm and all you want to do is sack out for a bit without coming off as rude.
7. If there’s a baby, you’ll be forced to hold it.
Forget about enjoying your last unencumbered holiday without a baby. Your sister is going to use this opportunity to eat her meal in peace by forcing you to “practice” for parenthood with your niece all day.Try getting out of that one without looking like a monster.
(feature image: Shutterstock.com)