Diapers & 10 Other Unnecessary Baby Items Hindering Your Child’s Success
You know what’s holding your child back from being the best and brightest little nugget they can be? That diaper. It doesn’t matter if it’s disposable or 100% organic, your child’s crap-catcher isn’t just weighing them down, both literally and figuratively.
No, I’m not just making this stuff up. Apparently, researchers were so concerned about the negative impact of diapers that they invested time, energy and funds into studying these baby gear menaces. The scientists want to warn parents that those diapers they strap on their little ones’ rumps are making it harder for the tykes to start walking. And isn’t every parent hoping that their infant will start to get up and go at six months old.
Here at Mommyish, we couldn’t help but wonder what other baby accessories were keeping our children from their awesome achievements. I mean, if we’re going to be okay cleaning up urine and feces from our carpets for over a year, we should be content to give up a few other conveniences, just to make sure their our little ones are the best they can be.
Here’s a quick list of the things you should take away from your little one ASAP. Really, it’s for their own good.
(Photos: Shutterstock)