Tom Cruise & Katie Holmes Put Suri First By Reaching Quickest Divorce Settlement Ever
Just last week, gossip sites were reporting that Katie Holmes was filing her divorce and custody reports in open court, thereby releasing all the private information in her and Tom Cruise‘s family court case to the public. Media outlets everywhere were salivating at the idea of all that dirt on Cruise & Company being made public. However, it looks like the ex power couple has different plans.
Holmes and Cruise just announced that they’ve reached a divorce settlement, a short week and a half after the initial papers were filed. And of course, the whole thing is being kept very private. According to Gossip Cop:
Holmes’ lawyer Jonathan Wolfe released a statement saying, ”This case has been settled and the agreement has been signed. We are thrilled for Katie and her family and are excited to watch as she embarks on the next chapter of her life.”
Cruise and Holmes also issued a joint statement, which reads, ”We are committed to working together as parents to accomplish what is in our daughter Suri’s best interests.”
”We want to keep matters affecting our family private and express our respect for each other’s commitment to each of our respective beliefs and support each other’s roles as parents,” add Cruise and Holmes.
The obvious reference to respecting each other’s beliefs shows that all the Scientology coverage hasn’t just been talk. It must have been an issue that they felt needed to be covered. [tagbox tag=”katie holmes”]
Really, I think the quick settlement and the joint statement does show how much this couple is trying to put their young daughter first. Divorce is an incredibly difficult time for a child. I cannot imagine the effect this must have on young Suri Cruise. By ending the drama as quickly as possible, the parents can at least attempt to shield her from the media insanity that was developing around the divorce proceedings.
I’m sure many are sad to know that they’ll never find out all of the eccentricities of Tom Cruise, although you can always ask his former friends. But I’m having a hard time being disappointed with the end of this press circus. I’m hoping that the quick announcement will bring a close to the constant divorce coverage. Both actors can move on to new projects. Little Suri can adjust to a new set-up. And the world can hold their breath until Brangelina’s wedding rolls around.
(Photo: Andres Otero/