Hey Snooki, I Don’t Care About Your ‘Post-Baby’ Body!

Snooki just lost -500 cool mom points after gaining a gazillion cool mom points by posting a photo of her post-baby body on Twitter yesterday. I’m trying so hard to root for Snooki, because she posts Twitter updates like:


Awwww, what new mom hasn’t felt that? So super cute. We have discussed on Mommyish how Snooki seems like motherhood is suiting her just fine, so she doesn’t need to post skankalicious photos or post opinions like:

Snooki, stop drinking the post-baby mommy weight-shaming Kool-aid and go back to posting updates about how much you love being a new mom and what joy Lorenzo is bringing to your life. I loved how you seemed to be leaving the days of “gym and tanning” (not laundry. Laundry is always a good thing especially with a ton of onesies and diapers to wash) behind you and focusing on your new mommy role. If losing weight and going to the gym makes her feel better after giving birth so be it, but I can’t help but like the new and improved softer Snooki better. Somehow I feel that if Snooki gets back in her heels and leopard print she will start hitting the bars and falling over drunk again. And I like you proving your haters wrong. You can leave the weight and looks obsessing to new moms who are getting paid to do so, like Jessica Simpson.

Lorenzo is only going to be so tiny for a very short amount of time and you owe it to yourself and him to keep having moments of joy like the one you posted above instead of worrying about how hot you look just three weeks after giving birth. You will never feel that amount of love towards being able to fit into your skinny jeans.

(Photo: Snooki Twitter)

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