Pink Screws Paparazzi, Proves She’s One Hot Mama
When I was in college, I ended up crashed on my couch late one night watching a VH1 Behind The Music episode on Pink. And I got really into it like, ridiculously into it not so much because of Pink’s mediocre talent but perhaps because I was feeling the effects of my evening out and so I got obsessed with her angst-ridden teenage rebellion and the fact that music saved her and blah blah blah (typical Hollywood cliche). Anyway, that’s pretty much the last time I thought about Pink. Until now, that is.
The singer, along with hubby Carey Hart, welcomed her little bundle Willow Sage into the world on June 2. One week later, she ventured out of the house looking like gasp! a normal human being (as in, she wasn’t all rake-thin mommyrexic). Major points right there. Then, earlier today, she wrote on her website that she and Hart decided to release personal photos of Willow to People magazine so that the Paparazzi wouldn’t get the first shot of their daughter. The best part? All of the money is going straight to charity (including Ronald McDonald House and Autism Speaks).
Here’s a sampling of what Pink wrote on her site (it’s actually worth reading the entire thing):
Due to the unsettling, surprisingly aggressive and unsafe measures that the paparazzi seem to be willing to go to in order to secure that “first shot” of our daughter””stalking us, chasing us in cars and sitting outside of our home all day and all night, as new parents Carey and I decided that we would release personal photos of our Willow, and donate all of the money to charity….
Like any parents, we believe our little girl deserves the right to have privacy and be protected, but unfortunately, this media climate doesn’t seem to provide for that. I feel so grateful that after many years of hard work, music and motorcycles have elevated both Carey and me to such a place that the public has supported us in building our life and lifestyle together. We recognize that celebrity has its upsides and downsides and do our best to manage just being people without hiring stylists and bodyguards before one of us goes to the store to buy some milk. I’ve seen some photos of myself that make me smile and some that make me less smiley. But you see, it’s one thing to harass and stalk us, the adults, the celebrity that signed up for this life, but children should be protected and safe. There should be a clear distinction between us.
Don’t tell anyone, but I might be into Pink again. Not her actual music or anything (god forbid!), but just the fact that she’s screwing the Pap and looking out for her little girl all while donating money to charity and making a difference in other kids’ lives.
Dare I say it? Pink is one cool chick.