Morning Feeding: The Government Needs To Pitch In On Child’s Play
New research from England shows that more than 60% of parents would like their children to play outdoors more than they currently do, but one in seven parents don’t know where to find a local green space where their kids can play (The Guardian)
Common vein problem raises blood clot risk on the pill (Reuters)
The blow dryer vs. the fetus (DoubleX)
Where author Susan McCorkindale writes (ShelterPop)
Ivanka Trump takes a stroll with new baby Arabella and nanny (Celeb Baby Laundry)
Swimming tips for parents and kids (
Is flirting on Facebook and Twitter cheating? (YourTango)
Patti Stanger will be setting herself up on The Millionaire Matchmaker (The Frisky)
How to stay in shape when you’re on the road (The Hairpin)