Embrace Your Inner Artist With These Hobbies And Interests Trends in 2019

As much as we try to be one of those crafty Pinterest moms, we fall short every single time. And it kills us! Because we could spend hours perusing the pages of the virtual vision board, ogling handmade wares and beautiful artwork. It’s one of those things we always tell ourselves we’ll devote more time to, so we can improve. But one too many Pinterest fails has left a sour taste in our mouths. Perhaps 2019 will be our year? To finally get a genuine smile from our kids when we show then something we’ve made, instead of the pity smiles we usually get. If you’re hoping to become a master crafter next year, or just looking for a new outlet for your talents, these hobbies and interests trends should be on your radar.
The hobbies and interests trends forecast for 2019 scratches all of your creative itches.

Fancy some body art of the non-permanent variety? You’re in good company! Pinterest is reporting that searches for body painting are up 444%. Tattoos are a big commitment, and body painting looks poised to become a pretty decent alternative. If you’re good enough, you can even parlay it into a little side business, which seems to be on the minds of a lot of people – side hustle searches are up nearly 700% on the site.
If you’ve got artistic talent, there are a few areas that are looking big in 2019. Acrylic pour painting (think Jackson Pollock) is a popular search on Pinterest. Of course, every good artist needs a sketchbook, right? That would explain the 500% jump in Pinterest interest on sketchbooks. If you’re looking for something kid-friendly, chalk art seems like it’s going to be all the rage next year. Want to do something with your hands? Ceramic pottery looks to be a big medium in 2019.
For hobbyists, 2019 is going to be big.

The hobbies and interests trends that Pinterest reports on are based on site searches, which makes sense. What makes less sense, however, is why searches for boat building are up 169%. Boats are expensive, so we suppose if you can build one, you’ll save quite a bit! If woodworking and boat building isn’t your thing, maybe you’ll find yourself picking up your camera more in 2019. Urban decay photography is predicted to be pretty big next year.
Or maybe you’re going to try to nurse your green thumb in the new year. Searches for how to grow an avocado tree are up 101%, so you can laugh when the Chipotle employee tells you guac is extra and instead pull out your own. If you plan on eating better in 2019, all those homegrown avocados will come in handy!