Epic D-Bag Leaves Fiance For Mistress And Then Calls Marriage Prostitution

Gird your loins, because you’re about to hear about an epic d-bag. According to Courthouse News Service a Georgia man has been ordered to pay his former fiance and live in partner $50,000 for “breach of promise” and fraud after leaving her for another woman and forcing her to move out of their home with the child they have together…and his child from a previous relationship. I usually hate stories like this, but I think she was right.
Melissa Cooper, the fiance, allegedly quit her job to move in with her fianceĀ Christopher Kelley and raise their child, and the child he had with another woman previously. In her lawsuit she contends that she made the sacrifice (her words, not mine) to become a housewife, and therefore he breached a contract by leaving her for another woman. And agree.
Typically, I hate the idea of anyone coming into a relationship and just giving up everything. But I think in this case it was necessary. Child care is expensive as hell, and for many families it’s cheaper to have a stay at home parent. Both myself and my husband have taken on that role over the years, and it’s not an easy choice.
According to CNS, Cooper testified that she was completely devastated by what she calls fraud. Kelley allegedly cheated on her multiple times, despite giving her an insanely expensive $10,00 engagement ring, and in 2011 she discovered his shenanigans and instead of being contrite, he threw her out with BOTH kids. What kind of douche blanket abandons his kids? Not only his kid with the woman he left them with, but a kid who isn’t related to her. As a woman with a kick ass step mom, I think Melissa Cooper is a damn saint.
Now here’s the kicker. To contest the lawsuit, Kelley tried to use the old “marriage is prostitution” argument. YUP, you read that right. Us old married biddies are WHORES. You salty whores, you! Obviously the courts laughed this d-bag out of court, but not only that, they used this argument to prove that he never intended to marry her to begin with. Or in other words, FRAUD.
I am so glad that for once the courts got it right.