Explosive Hoarding Greenwich Village New Parents Aren’t Terrorists, Just Really Smelly Heroin Addicts
It’s a girl for Morgan Gliedman, who gave birth Monday at St. Luke’s Hospital! The baby, named Melody Monday, made her appearance into the world without the opportunity to meet her daddy, Aaron Greene, because he was in jail for seven grams of the explosive powder HMTD on Riker’s Island. He is being held without bail. Greene, who claims to be a Harvard Graduate, was said to be connected to the Occupy Wall Street movement, but the OWS press relations group has denied a link to the young couple on their website.
There is nothing in the news stories to support a link between OWS and the individual arrested; his name is unfamiliar to many OWS activists. A very large number of people came through Zuccotti Park, and there are countless Occupy-related groups nationwide, so it is very difficult to ascertain if one person participated in anything related to OWS.
Gliedman is the 27-year-old daughter of a renowned New York doctor who is also the director of radiation oncology at Beth Israel Hospital’s Brooklyn division. Her mother (who looks like a ghostly version of Donatella Versace) is a top New York real estate agent. Greene’s daddy is an art restoration expert and owns the company Evergreene Architectural Arts. The police had discovered the weapons and explosives cache when they were investigating Gliedman on stolen credit card charges.
from The Inquisitr:
Items also found in the New York apartment occupied by Aaron Greene and Morgan Gliedman include a 12 gauge shotgun, nine ”high-capacity” rifle magazines and a flare launcher. The flare launcher is a commercialized replica of a grenade launcher.
A stack of documents with a cover sheet entitled, ”The Terrorist Encyclopedia,” was also allegedly found among the weapons and bombmaking explosive at Morgan Gliedman’s apartment on West Ninth Street. Papers which described how to make homemade bobby traps and submachine guns were allegedly among the couples’ possession.
Neighbors claim that the apartment the couple lived in was filthy with smoke always emanating from the front door. Neighbors also claimed the couple had a vermin problem and that “you could smell Greene before you saw him.” According to the Daily Beast:
”It looks like they’re junkies,” a high-level police source says. ”Well-to-do junkies, not terrorists.”
It’s a fascinating story, and I will be interested to read more information on the case. I can say at this moment it’s probably a good idea that police have arrested the couple, because as most of us know, newborn infants should never be around guns, explosives, or heroin. Not to be all mom judgy about the situation or anything.
(photo: Facebook)