Evening Feeding: Busy Mothers Spend Third Of Waking Lives Running Around After Children
Hardworking mums devote one third of their waking lives to carrying out chores for their children (Daily Mail)
Kid-friendly designs don’t have to be ugly (Stylelist Home)
You know you’re a mom when…(Celeb Baby Laundry)
Jay-Z says that he’ll never leave Beyonce or his baby (Holly Baby)
Ancient Chinese birth art (Parents.com)
Should pregnant women show off their curves like Hilary Duff? (YourTango)
Gabrielle Giffords is the comeback kid (The Frisky)
How do you know when it’s time to move? (The Hairpin)
Seasonal factoid: only 5% of cranberries produced every year are sold fresh to consumers (Truth In Aging)
Song stuck in your head? (YouBeauty)
The sex ed adult women need (HuffPo Women)
The top 25 baby care apps (Babble)
(photo: Shutterstock)