Evening Feeding: 6 Holiday Cocktails That Will Make You One Very Merry Mom
So in my house, the holidays are just another excuse to drink. (The Stir)
First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes the long slog. (DoubleX)
Working out while being a mom. (Celeb Baby Laundry)
What should Kate and William name their baby? (Parents.com)
Is an open relationship right for you? (YourTango)
Well played. Michelle Obama goes for the gold. (The Frisky)
Some potential books. (The Hairpin)
Thoughtful gift ideas that won’t break the bank. (YouBeauty)
The surprising upside to ‘friends with benefits.’ (HuffPo Women)
The holidays: A great time to teach kids to give back. (Babble)
Image via imcountingufoz/ Flickr