Disney Just Launched Princess Subscription Boxes

Now, we’ve subscribed to a few subscription boxes in our day. Clothes, makeup, even snacks! It’s all well and good for a few months, and each box brings a little ray of sunshine. And then, you sort of begin to realize that everything in the box seems like discarded stuff that didn’t sell on its own. You know what we mean? Let’s take makeup boxes, for instance. Who doesn’t love a box of makeup every month? But you can only do so much with four different brands of bright purple lipstick. And who is constantly changing their makeup routine based on what’s in the box? So what we’re saying is, some of them aren’t great. BUT, that being said, we are ALL IN on these Disney princess subscription boxes. Because it’s Disney, what can we say?
The Disney princess subscription boxes are, ostensibly, for children. BOOOOOOO. The dresses included in each box only come in kids’ sizes. And OK, maaaaaaybe we’re a little old to be fan-girling over Disney princesses. But we don’t care, so there.

We’re surprised it’s taken them this long to come up with something like this, tbh. But now that they have, we’re guessing the Disney princess subscription boxes will be a massive hit.
Just imagine! A little Disney magic delivered to your door every other month. That you’ll have to share with your kids, but whatever. We can all bask in the joy of opening a new Disney box, and from what we can tell, each box will be brimming with goddamn magic and joy. There are six boxes total, so you’ll get one every other month. And each box will be filled with some really good stuff. There are two different pricing options. The Deluxe Disney Princess Enchanted Collection is the pricier of the two, and will include an authentic Disney Store costume, a read-along book and CD, princess stickers and activities, coupons, and an additional 2-3 toys or accessories. The Disney Princess Enchanted Collection will have all of the same stuff, minus the additional toys and accessories. The dresses alone retail for anywhere between $45-70 in stores, so that’s a big deal! The six different princesses included in the Disney princess subscription boxes are Ariel, Belle, Moana, Aurora, Cinderella, and Jasmine.
Disney is also giving us some workable payment options.
You can subscribe to the entire six-box collection, and pay upfront. For the deluxe boxes, that’s gonna be steep, at $449.94 (the regular six-box collection is $299.94 upfront). You can also do a six-month subscription (three boxes) for $239.94 or $159.96. Or, you can do month-to-month for $84.95 per deluxe box, and $54.95 for the regular box. If you do the whole year, there are some substantial savings involved. And that would make an amazing gift for your kids for the holidays!
We love what Disney has been doing with their collections and new merchandising ideas. But these Disney princess subscription boxes might take the elaborately decorated cake.