Blake & Leo Split Because His Mom Doesn’t Approve
You meet the man of your life. He’s beautiful and smart and charming. And he loves his mom, which is supposed to be a great sign, right? Except all of the sudden, his mama isn’t so fond of you. Your dream boy splits to be taken care of by his doting mother and you’re left in the dust. It’s horrible and according to some probably-bogus sources, it just happened to Blake Lively. Stars! They get dumped just like us! For the purpose of this post, we’re going to believe that the tabloids actually reported the truth and know why this celebrity couple split.
As a woman, I feel like I should be furious with Leo’s mother. She ruins this relationship simply because she doesn’t believe that anyone will ever be good enough for her precious little boy. It’s the perfect picture of an overbearing, protective mother who can’t let her kids grow up. These kind of moms give us a bad name.
Except as a wife and a mother, I can completely understand Mrs. DiCaprio’s position. As a wife, I’ve learned just how important it is for me to feel close and connected with my husband’s family. It’s not a priority for every couple, because it depends on your partner’s relationship with their family. My husband is very close with his family. They talk frequently, see each other weekly and share everything. So to be a part of his life, I need to get along with his family. I’m the same way with my parents. And I can guarantee that if my father sat me down and expressed serious concerns about my relationship, I would question it.
As a mother, I hope my kids care about my opinion when it comes time to settle down in a relationship. I want to have the same type of close relationship with my children and their spouses as I’ve been able to share with my family. I don’t want to handpick my children’s relationships. I want them to be able to make their own choices and be happy. But I do want to be able to share in that happiness with them.
Truthfully, if my kids fall in love with someone who I can’t stand, I’ll probably deal with it. I’ll smile and hug and try my best to be supportive. But I hope that I can do more than just pretend. And I don’t blame Mama DiCaprio for wanting the same.