Arnold Schwarznegger And Maria Shriver Calling It Quits After 25 Years Of Marriage
Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver are splitting up. That’s right, The Terminator, er, former Governor of California and his one-time NBC-anchor wife are calling it quits after 25 years of marriage.
”This has been a time of great personal and professional transition for each of us. After a great deal of thought, reflection, discussion, and prayer, we came to this decision together,” said the couple in a joint press statement. They’ll continue to parent their four children together.
Shriver posted a Youtube video in March in which she asks her viewers for advice on getting through a ”transitional period.” What’s striking about the video isn’t so much that Shriver is seeking advice from strangers (isn’t that what social media’s all about?) but rather that she looks so frail and”¦lost. There’s a desperation in her voice that’s all too familiar to us moms that feeling of angst and worry that accompanies us wherever we go, even in our happy times (being a mom means feeling vulnerable).
”It’s so stressful to not know what you’re doing next,” she tells the camera.
We’ve all been in that place of uncertainty before, especially mothers (do you know a single one who embraced her role without at least one minor identity crisis along the way?).
As one commentator on the YouTube message board put it: ”Often, we think women of means have it all together. Than you for letting those of us who are regular middle class moms know that you also feel this struggle”¦”
Hear, hear, sister.
[youtube_iframe id=”sux6hjX_7iQ”]
(Photo: Andy Neitzert / WENN)