8 Things That Can Terrify Your Children At The Grocery Store
Every weekend, my daughter and I head to the grocery store. She’s my helper on our weekly trip, deciding whether she wants green beans or asparagus this week, sweet potatoes or regular. I like to help her pick out my produce with him, so she feels like she has some control over her diet. It also gives us a great chance to talk about healthy food versus choices that don’t help us grow strong.
Somehow, in all our trips to the grocery store, my daughter had never noticed the whole fish available for purchase, sitting there with their mouths open and their eyes bugging out. It might be because my mother is allergic to fish and I’m not very good at cooking it, I tend to stay away from seafood in general.
Today, as I was grabbing some salmon, I wasn’t so lucky. Suddenly, my daughter was transfixed by the whole dead fish staring at us. And she was asking questions. Loudly.
“Mommy, why is it’s mouth open?”
“Mommy, are it’s bones still in there?”
My daughter didn’t just get herself worked up and upset about the dead fish. She informed every child within hearing distance that there were dead eyes staring at us.
In that moment, I realized that there are plenty of things to terrify a young child at the grocery store. The most wholesome of errands actually holds of world of fright for your little ones. Seriously!
Have your kids been scared by fish heads or lobster tanks? Here’s a few scary grocery features that I picked out. Let me know what I missed.