Teen Vogue Editor-In-Chief Gets All Haughty With Teen Protesters, Wags A Polished Finger About Homework
As we reported, 17-year-old Emma Stydahar and 16-year-old Carina Cruz are following Julia Bluhm‘s lead after her successful protest against Seventeen‘s Photoshop practices. The two young women took their Photoshopping pledge to Teen Vogue, asking the publication to follow Seventeen’s example and promise not to alter the bodies or faces of their young models. Well, apparently somebody up top got a little threatened and thought these ladies needed a stern talking to.
ABC News reports that Teen Vogue‘s editor-in-chief Amy Astley wasn’t exactly warm to Stydahar and Cruz’s request. In a Good Morning America video segment, Stydahar recounts the following:
“[The meeting] was a lot of telling us we hadn’t done our homework, and that Teen Vogue is a great magazine, who is being unfairly accused.”
But then when ABC News went to confirm this account with Teen Vogue, their spokesperson had an entirely different spin, saying that:
“[we] were receptive to meeting with Emma and Carina to give them an opportunity to discuss their concerns”¦ We feature dozens of non-models and readers every year and do not retouch them to alter their body size.”
So ABC asks for confirmation that Teen Vogue does not airbrush shellac the hell out of its models — to which you can now hear the sound of crickets. The publication has yet to respond, falling in line with the original response from Seventeen‘s editor-in-chief, who also wouldn’t admit to airbrushing practices.
To be clear, the young ladies aren’t necessarily waving fingers at anyone, but rather asking that Teen Vogue “pledge” to no longer manipulate images, as stated in their petition. It would seem that if the magazine committed to the request, backed by nearly 30,000 signatures as of this writing, Stydahar and Cruz would consider it Photoshopped water under the bridge.
(photo: facebook.com/teenvogue)