Reddit Asks For The Worst Examples Of Helicopter Parenting, Results Are Amazing
Whenever I think of “helicopter parents” my mind immediately goes to an image of a mother or father hovering around their toddler at a park. After reading through a post on Reddit that asked readers for their worst examples of helicopter parenting, it’s obvious the worst offenders are parents of older children. Actually, is it okay to refer to a college student as a “child?”
Here are some highlights, but the whole thread is amazing.
1. Mom’s now your classmate!
“I teach high school and occasionally college. One IEP meeting for a high school student, the mother mentioned her other kid was enrolled at a local university, and that she (the mother) was also enrolling in the same classes to ensure her daughter did her work.”
What? That’s a great way to teach your kids the importance of accountability and self-reliance. Follow them to college so you can make sure they do their work.
2. Let go, mom.
“One day my niece was in the bathroom and she took a little too long to finish so her mother stood outside the door and said, ‘What’s taking you so long, are you wrapping the toilet paper around your hand like I showed you, do you need me to come in there and show you again, why is this door locked? Open this door!’ It was Thanksgiving dinner and the whole family just stared at my sister-in-law in shock; we could all hear my niece crying in the bathroom.”
Important detail – her niece was 14 years old. How mortifying for the poor girl. How does a mother get to the point where she doesn’t trust that her teenage daughter can effectively wipe her own butt?
3. It’s cool. Your kid probably doesn’t want a say in the college they’re attending.
“My senior year of high school my mom filled out an application for me to go to her alma mater, complete with an essay and a personal statement. I had no idea she’d done this until the acceptance letter arrived.”
I’ve heard of parents pushing their kids to go to their alma maters, but this is ridiculous.
4. Be my kid’s friend, or else.